A swim spa is an amazing addition to your home, offering a luxurious and therapeutic…
Swimming For A Stroke: From Prevention To Recovery
A stroke can happen to anyone at any age. Stroke is the leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the US, and nearly one-fourth of strokes involve people who are under 65 years of age. There are medical conditions that can increase your stroke risk, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Other lifestyle conditions that contribute to stroke include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and physical inactivity.
What It Does
When a person has a stroke, it can cause damage to both the body and the brain. When a stroke happens, it is most commonly the result of a blood clot that forms in the brain. The area of the brain that is affected and the severity of the stroke both determine the symptoms that will follow. Since different parts of the brain control different bodily functions, some people can lose the ability to walk or speak, while other might just have a feeling of weakness or loss of sensation in a part of the body. Either way, a plan for recovery and rehabilitation is eminent.
Water Leads To Recovery
Recovery can begin with water. The body’s natural ability to heal itself with the power of water dates back to the earliest days of mankind. For a stroke victim, the power of water has the ability to be a life-changer. Those who need recovery can turn to the water to accomplish goals that might not be achieved elsewhere.
One might not imagine that an underwater treadmill can provide amazing effects on the ability to walk again, or that floating in a weightless atmosphere can decrease pain levels. But the advantage that this environment has on a recovering body ranges from comfort to increased strength and endurance. When a stroke causes muscle weakness or loss of limb control, exercises to regain strength and use can be done in a swimming unit. The National Stroke Association states that swimming is the most effective exercise for post-stroke patients due to its low-impact.
Water Leads To Prevention
Swimming can also be a key to preventing a stroke in the first place. Studies show that regular aerobic activity improves cardiovascular health and using a swim spa for daily exercise is the perfect way to stay fit. Swimming can help keep your weight under control, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and keep your relaxed.
If you own a swim spa, you’re already one-step ahead. By having a place where you can get the optimal amount of exercise, you’ll reduce your risk of stroke. And if you are a stroke survivor, your swim spa is the best place for private recovery at your own pace.
Keeping It Undercover
Keeping your swim spa covered is very important for keeping out debris, wherever the unit is located. A cover will help lock in the heat to keep your water at the perfect temperature when you are ready to use it. End 2 End swim spa covers are user-friendly and constructed so that one person can remove it without assistance. This is extremely helpful if you have limited mobility. The E2E cover is also designed to roll in either direction, which is perfect for the dual spa with hot tub. We have great colors that will blend in with any décor and sizes to fit even the largest units, so take the time to pick out the perfect addition to your swim-spa recovery and prevention mission.
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