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1-855-583-8880 Corporate Office    1-775-583-8880 Cover Sales

Instructions to measure your swim spa cover.

If you need help, contact our sales department. Please make sure you have the make and model of your swim spa before calling (855) 583-8880.
Click the measurement document below to download form.



In no event shall E2E, LLC be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, or special consequential damages whatsoever—to property or life—arising out of [or connected with] the use or misuse of its products. Nor are we liable

Please read and understand the Unpacking, Installation & Maintenance Instructions, as well as any additional literature, included with your cover. If you lose your copy of these instructions, please let us know and we will furnish a replacement.

Further, E2E is not responsible for the improper use/application of accessories, tools, or products extrinsic to those manufactured and provided by the same.

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